Member Newsletter #21

I hope March has started well for you, wherever you're reading this. Spring arrived in Austin and brought with it the pleasures of porches and patios, open windows and long walks.

Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your day to catch up on news from the Uncommon neighborhood.

As I mentioned in the latest dispatch, prompts are now included in stacks! Now, when you stop by, there's a question that might inspire you to reply (and you don't even need to send an email). The simple spark and opportunity to contribute makes for a much different experience. There are nearly 150 prompts now, so there's a plethora of thought-provoking questions awaiting you.

What's next? We're working on a new homepage and member dispatch, plus a project that is very exciting, but probably too new to talk about :) We're also starting to explore uncommon ways for members to interact and share more than favorites and prompt replies.

A huge thank you to everyone who is contributing their time and talent to bring these additions to life. If you'd like to lend a hand on the technical (Ruby, design, front-end development) or community side, let me know!

On the front porch

Here are excerpts from a few of the latest amazing stories behind your favorite things. Click the link to read them in full.

Darcy on Space

I smile whenever I spy mother moon through my window.

Austin on Parks

It wasn't until I spent two months wandering in central Europe that I realized how much public parks meant to me...

Shana on Magic's Pawn

At the time it was just a lovely story and I suspect my young self didn't really understand all of it.

Ben on Parenthood

I love answering their questions and helping them up when they fall and holding them when they are sad and holding them when they are happy and telling them I am proud of them and being told they are proud of me.

Lauren on why she loves "My kids (and other people's)"

And I especially can't imagine life without the moments when I tiptoe into their rooms, after they're asleep, to tuck the blankets over their sprawled little bodies, and listen to the sound of their snuffly, little-boy breathing, in the warm dark.

RMishra has shared many wonderful favorites, including Relaxation:

Weekends are bliss.

Nicole on The Time Traveler's Wife

The copy I have is now very well-worn. The pages are more voluminous from numerous readings and there are places where the binding has frayed.

We'd love to read about your favorite things. Stop by the front porch, click Favorites at the top, and add yours.

Table for Six

A new edition of Table for Six is here! Every conversation has been an absolute pleasure and ends with fresh insights and connections with uncommon neighbors near and far.

If you haven't joined one yet, Table for Six is a telephone conversation with six members that lasts for about an hour. It begins with a topic, but like all good conversations, can go in surprising directions. Everyone is welcomed and made to feel at home.

Our theme for this edition is More or Less: We often chase more and then find ourselves wanting less. In that ebb and flow between scarcity and abundance, how do you balance pursuing and letting go of things, whether objects, relationships, information, goals, or anything else?

What’s particularly fun about this round is Uncommon members, Sam and Ryan, will be hosting two of the calls (and others are eagerly awaiting the chance to host soon). It's an exciting milestone for our community.

Join us for this edition of Table for Six! Just reply with the conversation that fits your schedule:

  • ​Saturday, March 12 at 1pm ET
  • Sunday, March 13 at 3pm ET
  • Sunday, March 20 at 2pm ET

Your turn

  • Pick a Table for Six conversation to join
  • Try replying to a prompt in your stack
  • Send your thoughts on this question: What do you most wish you could do on the Uncommon site?

Thanks for making this community a thoughtful, adventurous, welcoming place.

Happy spring!
