
I’m a person who checks out books about public libraries from the public library. The book was called, unsurprisingly, The Public Library. It’s a photographic essay by Robert Dawson about libraries throughout the United States. The range of photos is striking—from mobile libraries started in Hurricane Katrina’…


Cooperstown, New York was where I first fell in love with museums. Obsessed with baseball growing up, I convinced my sports-adverse dad to take us to the Baseball Hall of Fame [], which is located in a small, quaint town in upstate New York. Seeing so much history…

The West Wing

Everyone has a show, that one show you love completely. Quotes from it find their way into your bio and punctuate your conversations and advice. When the question of favorite television show comes up around people who know you well, they get up to get a drink before you'…


I’ve always loved questions. I suppose it began with friendly debates about everything from baseball players to guitarists. In college, I learned that curiosity about people and a desire to not be the center of attention could both be achieved by asking questions. When my son was young, we…