
My heart overflows with gratitude for the kind, supportive, talented people who brought Uncommon to life, but also made it what it was. It was a barn raising—people volunteered their time because they wanted a different kind of community.
It’s impossible for me to capture in words what these phenomenal people, and every person who joined, mean to me, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor.
Lori and Ben
My wife and son were integral to Uncommon months before the first post and every day since. There were hundreds of Uncommon conversations during meals and walks—brainstorming, advising, debating possible prompts, giving feedback on yet another Table for Six idea, and offering opinions on t-shirts. They celebrated milestones, encouraged me when I ran into a deadend, packed Tangibly Uncommon packages, and hosted Kaleidoscope. And they were unfailingly patient when I wrote dispatches on vacation and spent portions of nights and weekends working with the team.
If that wasn't enough, Lori also edited much of the content and Ben helped build and support our engineering infrastructure.
Thank you both for your sacrifice, love, and unconditional support.
Bradford Fults
Think of Bradford as Uncommon’s co-founder. He was confidant and advisor, friend and skilled craftsfman. His belief in what we were building gave me confidence time and again. He built our engineering infrastructure and most features, but also guided everyone who worked on the codebase. Many who contributed were attracted by the chance to work with someone of his caliber.
If Bradford didn't offer to help in 2014, the story would’ve ended there. He was so integral that when he understandably decided years later to do something new, it was never the same.
Thank you, Bradford, for being a joy to work with and sharing your wisdom. I will always treasure working closely with you on Uncommon, and those many meandering conversations at Vintage Heart and Péché.
Uncommon was defined by its art and illustration and it was all from the most loyal and creative person I've known. He made Uncommon uncommon—nothing else looked like it. The logo, print, t-shirt, stickers, buttons, icons, mementos, invites, homepage illustrations were all pure delight. Few thing bring me more joy than opening an art file to see what mind-bending treats he's created. From the first day to the last, he never turned down a request and would then apologize if it took more than a few hours.
Thank you for your humor, revisions, brilliance, and friendship. Uncommon would be nothing more than an idea without you.
Marius Hauken
Marius is one of the most talented designers I know and one of my favorite people. Uncommon was little more than an idea when he introduced himself and offered to help. He lives out the spirit of Uncommon better than I ever have and continues to remind me what healthy priorities and embracing slow look like.
Thank you, Marius, for your beautiful work, friendship, and enthusiasm. Thanks also for making me fall in love with Norway from afar.
Andy Smith
Andy and I have worked together for more than a decade. He even designed the site you're visiting right now. A finer person you will never know.
Andy is an incredible designer and code artisan. He was a key contributor for years and often stepped in to help. He improves anything he touches and is unfailingly friendly, creative, and just plain fun.
Thank you, Andy, for being a great friend and making so many things possible.
Kathy Sierra
There’s no one in technology that I respect more than Kathy. After the first post about Uncommon, her enthusiastic response alone convinced me it was worth doing. Her wisdom and belief during that critical first year gave me courage where there was caution.
Thank you, Kathy, for believing in Uncommon and making it better.
Above and Beyond
The following people contributed advice and inspiration throughout the journey. It’s a privilege to ask for help and know the answer will be, "Of course, what can I do?" Each of you are a gift.
- Jennifer Brook
- Robin Sloan
- Nick Disabato
- BJ Heinley
- Sarah Avenir
- Terry Storch
- Mari Huertas
- William Van Hecke
- Jon Bell
These people jumped in and helped at pivotal moments. Thanks to each of you for your friendship, contributions, and heart for Uncommon.
- Lora L. Abe
- Austin Louden
- Jon McCartie
- Bob Potter
- Lisa Sanchez
Finally, cheers to these wonderful people who contributed in many ways.
- Daniel Agee
- Pat Allan
- Erin Anacker
- Lauren Bacon
- Diana Berlin
- Adam Bouse
- Joel Bush
- Jan Cavan
- Jack Cheng
- Courtney Claessens
- Phil Crissman
- Adam DeConinck
- Roz Duffy
- Ryan Elainska
- Cali Harris
- Clare Hooper
- Andy Knight
- Jenny Lam
- Gilbert Lee
- Susan Lin
- Cassie Marketos
- Drew Marshall
- Lara McPherson
- Brian Mikulencak
- Katie Moon
- Paulo
- Radhika Saba
- Amanda Sims
- Mona Stilwell
- J. Nicholas Tolson
- Jenn Turner
- Allison Urban
- Sara Watson