An illustrated scene of a backyard party
Art by BJ Heinley

Each person who was part of Uncommon was essential to its story. I’m grateful to everyone over the years who’s shared what the community meant to them. Here are a few highlights.

If you’d like to share your thoughts, send them to uncommon at

I was reading a book recently—okay a history of Dungeons & Dragons if you must know—and a big part of the story is these early wargaming zines that got mailed around in the 60s and 70s. Reading about them made me sort of wistful. They had all these characteristics that have somehow gotten lost in the modern web… voice, continuity, a sense of membership, and (frankly) a bit of productive weirdness. I think you’re conjuring them w/ Uncommon in Common, and that’s a very good thing indeed.
— Robin Sloan
A sigh of relief, a breath of fresh air… however I try to describe Uncommon, it comes out as a relaxed (and relaxing) exhale. In a sea of attention-grabbing apps and devices, this is a gentle invitation, a circle of curious souls, and an opportunity to connect with yourself.
— Lauren Bacon
Uncommon is the best community on the internet right now. I can’t quite put my finger on why, and that’s good. It’s like a public service announcement for connected humanity. They’re on to something wonderfully indescribable.
— Jon Bell
Uncommon is where I go as a refuge from the loud internet. It’s like stepping off a busy street and into a charming library, where you can talk if you want to, or listen if you prefer. You’re welcomed with smiles from thoughtful, feeling people. And their words are gentle sparks of light, guiding you on your way when it’s time to go.
— Radhika Saba
Thoughtfulness. Intimacy. Neighborliness. They’re qualities that have pervaded Uncommon since the very beginning. They’re qualities that facilitate friendship, empathy, serendipity. And they’re qualities that I hope will remain in our arms, as we build the world’s slowest social network the only way it can be built: a step at a time, together.
— Jack Cheng
Uncommon starts a conversation. Even when I’m struggling with the worst case of writers’ block, Uncommon prompts offer space to reflect and share. They are as nourishing as the best catch up conversation with a dear friend, the kind where you pick up right where you left off.
— Sara Watson
Uncommon hints at a life where we have a greater say in how we spend our cognitive resources. And as I work to have a greater voice in how my own scarce, precious resources are used, thanks to Uncommon I know that I won’t be alone on this journey.
— Kathy Sierra
Uncommon’s knack for perspective and gentle collective introspection, delicate curation and inherent patience has been an absolute delight, and a timely reminder of my need to slow down in many areas of my life.
— Lara McPherson
Within five minutes of joining Uncommon, I had a profile, a smiley lil Jenn photo, and I was answering a question about what dessert makes me smile the most that took me down a passage of thought full with nostalgia, warmth and family. (Answer: my mom’s Christmas cookies, a family tradition). Because Uncommon was the last thing I did that night, instead of having stress dreams about Twitter, I fell asleep in a cozy haze thinking about family and connection and how wonderfully lucky I was to have found a place like Uncommon to share these beautiful things in this lifetime.
— Jenn Turner
In this simple, uncluttered haven I find I can connect and reflect. There is no pressure to perform. No demands on my attention other than the meandering path I wish to track, like my hand pulled through the water as I lean out of a boat on a quiet river one Summer afternoon. The ripples and eddies of stories shared flowing around me as I gently explore. I came here because I wanted something more than the hectic offer of ‘more’ that underpins most social network interaction. I don’t want to broadcast. I don’t want to display. I don’t want to posture. I want the peace of un-demanded attention given freely. I want to explore that which is freely shared without expectation. I want that which is magnificent. I want Uncommon.
— Drew Marshall
Uncommon’s first-run experience is a triumph of thoughtfulness. Finally, I’ve found a home on the internet. Thank you.
Uncommon is an intentionally small and growing group of people who all believe that beautiful connections can be made in surprising ways. I still remember the first moment I had with Uncommon one morning on my phone, finding myself legitimately stunned by the intentionally slow and unfolding narrative that greets you at a smart message delivered partly in words but more powerfully in experience.

Extraordinary moments with not-quite-strangers, almost an altered state of consciousness. This is Uncommon.
—Kyle Studstill
I love Uncommon! I love how there isn’t any judgement if you haven’t been around for a while. I love how you get a postcard in the mail when you join. No one sends mail anymore. I was like a kid on Christmas when mine arrived. The calm is nice and without comments I feel like I can just express myself and not worry. It slows you down to think and take in what you may say. This is the perfect playground to grow. It is so rich in self awareness that even a small vist leaves you clear and ready for the noise of the world.

If this site was a house it would be like moms house or the aunt and uncle you spent summer with every year, you know the ones with the big porch :) I like that, thanks uncommon you really are the best!
—Alisha Kujawski